Social Media Break

I am taking a break from the business Instagram account.

If you’re not aware of the brand, we (and I) are outspoken and unapologetic about who we are, what we stand for, and what we believe. I’m mouthy, so making people mad, is expected. But…

I am tired of the barrage of messages and comments from people who simply don’t agree with my beliefs. And it’s not just normal comments. It’s horrific comments. Personal attacks because of my beliefs.

They were in response to a reel I made about raising a son who is a good human, who isn’t superior because of his penis, held accountable for his actions, and knows that all humans deserve love, respect, support, and more.

I don’t care what they say, but I am tired of fucking reading it, esp when it’s a personal attack saying they hope I don’t have kids, or they feel bad for my kid having me as a mother.

If you don’t know my story, I chose to go through IVF solo to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a mother. I wasn’t going to wait around on a partner, to make that happen.

It’s the single greatest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

I am not ashamed of it. My kid will know exactly how and why he was made. He already knows how entirely fucking loved he is.

But a part of being a single mom by choice is a tiny voice somewhere in the back wondering if he will resent me for it, or have issues with it. So when she said that, it hit that spot.

I had a cry, then got out of my car and went to get my amazing kid from daycare who comes running when I walk in the classroom, and all of that shit washes away.

I have constantly tried to work on my mental health, including being in therapy, which I think everyone needs. So I talk things over with my therapist, get that shit out of my head, and now take a break from social.

If you’re feeling weighed down by all of it, feel free to step away too. And if you want to try therapy, I have $200 off for you.

I may hang out here more while I’m not there, so subscribe and stay along for the ride.

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