Delicious As Fuck Overnight Oats
Listen, I don’t have much time, especially in the morning. My kid never wants to get dressed, then when he does, he wants to wiggle
If there’s one thing I don’t do in life, it’s put on this facade that everything is perfect. I film PR/ad videos without makeup, I’ve even filmed in pajamas before.
That’s what I want this space to be. A place for you to come to read and connect, without the influencer “perfect” life vibe, and the bullshit. I only promote things I love, share things I support, etc.
oh hey, I’m Katie!
Listen, I don’t have much time, especially in the morning. My kid never wants to get dressed, then when he does, he wants to wiggle
It’s ONLY been 3 days and this country is already a fucking hell hole. He’s rescinded protections for the LGBTQ community across the board, no
I had blog ages ago, and to be honest, between the business, trying and getting pregnant, raising a kid, COVID, life, and all the things,
And get my Get Shit Done list for free! I created this to help me keep my day on track, or at least pretend like I have my shit together.
I’m a California transplant in Las Vegas, a single mom by choice via IVF to an amazing kid, and an entrepreneur at my core. Living off Peach Celsius and iced coffee. I swear like a sailor and make a living doing it. No really, I do, you can see it all here.
I’ve not always given as little fucks as I do today. I never really thought myself or my body wasn’t like the other girls in my class until I confessed to my crush that I liked him on AOL instant messenger one night, and he told me, “your face is really hot but, you’re kind of fat.” My world was shattered, and in an instant, I hated everything about my body, the same things I did not even notice beforehand.
I let it ruin me for years, until I was on a solo trip standing in the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge, and I had this “ahh ha” moment of realizing that that person literally meant nothing to my life, and here I was, letting it affect everything. From that moment forward, I stopped giving a fuck what people think about me, what I look like, what I do, who I am, how I speak, etc. I’ve carried that forward with me in the business I created empowering women to do the same, in choosing to be single, pursuing motherhood solo, and so on.
So if you don’t like swearing, I’m not your girl.
If a woman being unapologetic about who the fuck she is turns you off, I’m not your girl.
But if you love those things, stay a while, hang out, let’s do this babe.
escape plan
Does anyone else feel like they want to run far, far away since the election? Because I do.
start your own biz
Start your own e-commerce business with a variety of my courses, starter kits, and 1:1 calls.
Below are the best ways to work together and/or connect with me.
For being here, supporting me, the kid, the brand, all the things. You’re the fucking best.
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