Does anyone else think of leaving their current life behind and moving on? Moving to a new state? Hell, moving to a new country?
Almost every day I dream about leaving here, with my kid, of course, and finding a new life.
Selling the company, the house, and taking off. Dreaming of finding a quiet job, getting off social media, raising my kid somewhere he can play outside safely, without melting, and living a simple life.
The state of our country, and my kid’s future weigh on me daily. Does he have a good future here in the US? I dream of him going to school and never having to do an active shooter drill. I dream of him being able to play outside for more than 30 minutes, without overheating.
But doing so would leave behind my parents, and any family we have in CA. We would leave behind the few friends I have here in Vegas. My best friends already live in other states, so that’s no different. Ignoring the fact that any other country we’d move to is literally an entire ocean away.
I constantly think about Scotland, England (though both of these are $$$), Spain (top of the list, or Sweden. In the states, MA is a big winner.
I feel an inner tug between wanting more, and wanting less, or just quieter.
Have you thought of moving somewhere else?
The Comments
I… did this. 19 years ago. I was 19. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania. Epitome of Trump country. If you didn’t look like, believe like, act like the majority – you were worth less.
I didn’t even really know *WHY* – but I wanted out.
So, I met someone online and half a year later, I was on a plane to New Zealand.
I’m still here. Citizenship renounced, many family members have cut me off – and I am so much happier and *authentically me*.
My five year old will never grow up in the state of self hatred and fear that the rural US left me in.
Katie Seller
→ BexI love this for you! I love NZ but the cost scares me haha. My applications are open world wide for anyone who wants to take on a chick with a kid, haha. But for real, seriously researching it.