I had blog ages ago, and to be honest, between the business, trying and getting pregnant, raising a kid, COVID, life, and all the things, I let it fucking go. I missed it, though, especially since Instagram took a sharp turn away from long-form content. And to be honest, the fucking video creation is exhausting.
So here we are again.
If you’re new around here, let me introduce myself. If you’re not, let me re-introduce myself.
I was born and raised in sunny southern California. You wouldn’t know it now because of mom-life, but I’ve always had a passion for makeup and even worked for my dream company MAC, for a bit. I thought for sure that I’d end up being a makeup artist, but parental thoughts and things about that made me go in a different direction.
I knew I wanted to do something creative and decided to get a degree in Interior Design. Until I realized they wanted a bachelor’s degree to be an assistant and I said absofuckinlutely not.
I went back to school to pursue a degree in business and that’s where things happened. I had a blog way back then about my journey to lose weight. I was following a lot of bloggers and knew a few in particular who turned it into an e-commerce business and it was like something clicked.
Despite coming from a family where my father has been an entrepreneur my literal entire life, it hadn’t clicked yet. It wasn’t until I saw someone somewhat adjacent to me do it and make it look pretty easy (HA!) that I decided I could, too.
So one day, in my least favorite class (accounting) I figured out my entire game plan for a business. Not a formal business plan, I’ve never made one of those. But I decided what to sell, the cheapest way to sell it, where I could source materials from, and so on. Looking back on what I sold, it’s crazy to see the difference now.
I started the business in Dec 2012, naively thinking it was easy. It was not. But I kept chugging along knowing that this was what I wanted to do. Until one day in 2016, my business coach (hey Melissa!) told me that she thought it was time I rebrand because I was adding bits of my personality and people were gravitating towards it. So after lots of hard work, I rebranded in the summer of 2016, and the business exploded.
That next year, with shit going so well, I decided it was time to make some smart money moves. I also knew I would never be able to live comfortably in CA forever. I am so glad I didn’t buy there, with the way the world has gone. But I digress, I ended up buying a house and moving to just outside of Las Vegas.
Yes, people really live here. No, we don’t all live on the strip. We actually verrrrry rarely go to the strip, we mostly just see it from the freeway when driving places.
I’ve been here ever since. I’ve been single by choice for a large part of my 30s. I always knew that I wanted to be a mom above all else. So in 2018, I decided to start the process of being a mom on my own. That’s a bit of a long story that I will absolutely cover in a different post.
In 2022 I became a mom/mama/mommy (depending on the day). It’s the single greatest thing I’ve ever done. Truthfully. Does he drive me insane sometimes? YES. Do thoroughly enjoy an hour of silence while he’s asleep before I go to sleep? YES. But he’s the literal greatest thing in life.

To wrap it all up, and for more things to come in other blog posts…
I still own the business and we just passed 12 years in business. Which is absolutely bananas to me.
I also offer coaching/courses/calls to help women start their own businesses because I want more women (gays/theys included) to be their own bosses, in charge of their own paychecks, and futures.
I had a podcast, and though it’s still online, keeping up with that is just not in this timeline for me.
And I’m raising the smartest, silliest, craziest, bravest, most handsome little dude.
I want this blog to have a place to vent, to connect, to share, to build community, and more. If you don’t know, I don’t do the “perfect influencer” bullshit. I swear like a sailor, I film branded content however I look at the time (even in PJs with no makeup), and I don’t set up the perfect shot for this shit.
What you’ll get here? Honesty (sometimes brutal), reality, random shit, and things I truly love. Chatting motherhood, life updates, IVF, business, etc. Like right now, currently terrified for life in the US come Monday. Actively researching leaving, so my son can have a better life, and probably drinking too much caffeine.
A few things already active: previous blog posts, my favorite things on Amazon (I know, boo bald bezos), and the link to my Bullshit Free Biz where you can start a business, or get help with an existing one.
I hope you stick around you sexy bitch.